Wednesday, January 20, 2010

What goes on your application?

Well the first is obvious, the name address and phone number of your company.

Next, instructions to the applicant such as fill out in blue ink (blue is the accepted legal color, not black which can be later said to a copy or forgery, blue shows it is an original)

Not to attach a resume unless it is to become part of the official application, but that all information still must be filled out in total on the application even if listed on their resume. This way it is in the hand writing of the applicant and they cannot say later you attached a false resume to their application, or they did not know a mistake was listed on it.

You probably already know the things you can not ask on an application or in an interview like, marital status, age, whether they have children, or if a women, plan on having children, their religion etc…

But there are things you can ask for as ways around them:

You can't have them list their birth date but they can mark a box stating that they are of legal age (18 or 21 etc.) to operate certain equipment, for insurance reasons. Only once hired can you ask for a list of their dependents for reasons such as for insurance, not before hand on an application. But they might ask you in an interview about your insurance coverage and you should only state an individual policy price which might have them ask you ‘What would a family rate be?’ As long as they ask the question that gives you this information you are safe. But you must be careful not to indicate that any of the unasked information was used in the hiring process for that job. Never make notes on the application itself during an interview, use a separate piece of paper.

You can ask if they’re legal citizens, have a criminal record, ever plead guilty to traffic violation etc. these are part of public record and can be verified. You can ask if there is any day they can not work or would rather not work. For instance have a list of days, Sunday thru Saturday on the application with instructions for them to circle or mark all days they are available to work. Same with times of day they can work. Of course you can also include in the job description the days and times that are required for the job and if they will not work on a certain day (due to their religion) they are the one making themselves unable to be hired, not you.
Here is a list that was just posted on Grime Scene (a great pressure washing forum) please think about joining:  guidelines-interview-questions-you-can-legally-ask

Ask them to list not only the standard past employers, business references as well as personal and education, but for industry specific certifications as well. You should also state that copies of the certifications are to be provided to be placed in their file if they are hired. These can be very useful tools for you as a business and in marketing. You can also state that they must be able to be bonded if you would like. This also can be good for you for insurance reasons as well as in marketing your business.

You need to include a statement at the bottom of the application just before the signature line that tells the applicant that all areas must be filled out completely, must be accurate and may be checked on and any lack there of can be used as reason not to except them as a candidate for employment, to hire as an employee or for termination at any time if they become an employee and statements are later found to be false.

Make sure your application is as detailed as you need it to be, do not worry about it only fitting on one page front and back like a store bought one. Some of the best jobs I ever had, had applications 4-5 pages long.

You might want to add a section next to each past job entry asking for a description of the work they did at that job, ask for the name of a supervisor or co-worker that is still there with phone number if different from the main number, and ask why they left. If there are gaps in education or employment ask what they were doing for that time even if it was not work in the current field they are applying for. Answers to these may give you a clue as to other aspects that could affect their job performance with your company or reasons why they would make the best fit. Any negative information you find that may cause you to not consider the candidate should be brought up to the candidate so they can challenge the information. If you don't and you do not hire them, and they later find out what you where told was miss information, they could come back legally against you in some instances.

For some of you that have businesses in a state like GA, with employer right to hire/fire laws, you may not have to give any reason as to why you did not choose someone so long it is not one of the illegal ones, but for many of you the employee holds more cards than the employer does in this process and you have to make sure you stay on the right side of the law. As with any of our blogs the information given here are general guidelines and you should check what the laws are currently in your state. Tomorrow the Handbook.

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